Revivogen Consumenten proef

De Revivogen consumenten proef is bedoeld om een geloofwaardig en herkenbare gebruikers feedback over de Revivogen effecten van haaruitval te krijgen.
De deelnemers aan de haaruitval studies werden onafhankelijk van elkaar ingeschreven door het indienen van een vragenlijst op en werden gekozen door Revivogen volgens de volgende criteria:

1. Man of vrouw met de leeftijd 18-65
2. Licht tot gemiddeld haarverlies te wijten aan Alopecia Androgenetica gedurende 5 jaar of minder
3. Het niet gebruiken van Propecia, Rogaine, of andere producten tegen haaruitval voor of tijdens de proefperiode
4. Vrij van grote kwalen en geen gebruik van medicijnen

De deelnemers hebben verklaard om een jaar lang exclusief Revivogen te gebruiken en daarover hun feedback te geven in ruil voor gratis producten. De feedback wordt door de deelnemers direct per mail aan de deelnemende websites gestuurd voor een onafhankelijke verificatie en authenticatie.

Van de 39 deelnemers aan de haaruitval proef, rapporteerde 30 gebruikers (77%) positieve resultaten, waaronder verminderde haaruitval en een grote dikte van het haar. 9 gebruikers (23%) hebben geen voordelen gemeld. U kunt hieronder de individuele beoordelingen bekijken om uw eigen conclusie te trekken.

(al deze beoordelingen komen rechtstreeks van de fabrikant en zijn dus niet door ons gewijzigd)


Age - Sex

29 - Male

Type of hair loss

Considerable thinning from hairline all the way back to the crown of the scalp. "M" patterned hairline is pronounced.

Used as Directed?


Results: +

Decreased Hair Loss: Yes

Increased Thickness: Yes

5.5 Months

Since starting treatment approximately six months ago, some of the existing hair has noticeably thickened. Moreover, the miniaturized hair that has sprouted up at the outer fringe of the hairline has appeared to thicken over time and there has been an increase in the number of these miniaturized hairs in this area. The shampoo part of the treatment has also assisted in the resulting growth and retention of existing hair.

7 Months
Results so far have shown Revivogen to has halted any significant and noticeable hair loss. The degree to which I have noticed thickening in existing and miniaturized hair has been met with some improvement. In the area of recession, I have noticed that already existing hair has increased in volume, especially after using the specially formulated Revivogen shampoo. Furthermore, there has been miniaturized hair growth occurring in the areas within the gaps of the "m" shaped hairline...some of which has thickened but only slightly. Overall, my hair has had an increase in fullness with some slight hair regrowth.

10 Months

For the first seven months of the trail, I did use Revivogen as directed, on rare occasions skipping a day or two. However, since early September, I had taken notice of skin irritation and flaking. As I continued treatment, this inconvience became an everyday occurrence after which I had ceased treatment back in mid-October and had avoided contact with Revivogen for the next two weeks before resuming treatment. As I resumed treatment, I was liberal in the regard of the number of days throughout a week that I would apply it to the scalp, anywhere from two to three days out of a week.

Since my participation in the trial, I have noticed no hair loss.
Aside from a ceasing of hair loss, there has been light to moderate thickness and increased fullness in the hair in and around the crown and the eruption of small, vellus hairs on the edge of where my hairline stands now, with some of them becoming thicker in structure. Only very little to light thickness has occurred in and around the hairline area.



Age - Sex

26- Male

Type of hair loss

Norwood 2

Used as Directed?


Results: +

Decreased Hair Loss: Yes

Increased Thickness: No

6 months

It is possible that it has reduced the hair loss rate.  Although I went through about 3 weeks of a lot of shedding it never became noticeable.  I don`t notice a difference on the crown or the top of the head from the start of the trial and that is possibly a good thing. Although my hair loss is not that fast.  I did notice that it might be a little thinner in the frontal hairline as that is the place where my hair loss is most noticeable.  Although I do have widespread thin hair (not only the classic male pattern baldness) it is thinner than normal all over.  But not yet very noticeable.  I really can`t tell if the liquid has made my hair thicker.  But it is possible.  At the very least it has not gotten thinner.  The shampoo does seem to make my hair look fuller.  Over all I would say that Revivogen has helped.  It is possible that at the very least it has stopped the rate of hair loss.



Age - Sex 

30 - Male

Type of hair loss

Overall thinning of the entire top of my head. It seems to follow no particular pattern, just a general thinning of the entire area.

Used as Directed?


Results: +

Decreased Hair Loss: Yes

Increased Thickness: Yes

6 months.
I believe my hair loss to have slowed down. At the beginning of the trial, I was really starting to lose my hair. The process was accelerating beyond what I had previously been used to. About 10 weeks into it, I noticed less hair in the usual places (pillow, sink, bathtub), so I would say my hair loss has at least been reduced.  I do feel that my existing hair has thickened. I also feel that Revivogen Shampoo is the finest shampoo that I have ever used. It smells great and leaves my hair with a clean and full feeling. If I don`t use it (I took a short trip and forgot to bring it) my hair doesn`t feel as clean or full with any other shampoo that I`ve tried. As for new hair growth of any type, I can`t really verify that this is occurring. I don`t think so. If anything, what I have has become thicker and healthier. In conclusion, I would say that Revivogen has given me positive results in regards to my battle against hair loss. It appears that things are getting better and that I am really starting to see a cessation of my problem. I would like to continue will the trial and am looking forward to receiving my next shipment of product. If I would change anything, it would be to receive more of the shampoo, as my frequency of use of this item appears to be slightly more than the supply will allow.



Age - Sex

38 - Male

Type of hair loss

Moderate Thinning throughout - Receding hairline

Used as Directed?


Results: +

Decreased Hair Loss: Yes

Increased Thickness: Yes

4 Months

Perhaps, it is hard to tell how much I would have lost had I not been using it, but it does not appear that I have lost much or any since I have been. At this point, my hair looks about the same as it did before I started using Revivogen. Perhaps it looks minimally thicker. I am certain there has been no regrowth. The results have been fairly insignificant so far, but perhaps it is retarding further loss.

6 months ÜÜÜÜ

Revivogen may have stopped or slowed my hair loss.  It is hard to know how much I would have lost over the last 6 months had I not been using it.  I have not seen any evidence of regrowth at this point.

9 months. 

I don`t know what would have happened had I not been using it, but it seems that I have not really had any further loss since I have been using it. While I fairly certain there has not been any regrowth, my hair does seem to have increased fullness.  As time progresses, my hair does seem to be healthier and look fuller.  And, if Revivogen is preventing further loss, which it may be, then it is worth it.



Age - Sex

34- Male

Type of hair loss

Some thinning in front

Used as Directed?


Results: +

Decreased Hair Loss: Yes

Increased Thickness: No

5 Months

It appears to have at least slowed it, if not stopped it. Minor hair growth. Perhaps a handful of new hairs



Age - Sex

23- Male

Type of hair loss

Bi-temporal recession in the front of head, gives my head a kind of
"widows" peak look.

Used as Directed?


Results: 0

Decreased Hair Loss: No

Increased Thickness: Yes

2 Months

As one of the fortunate ones who were able to become a part of the Revivogen trial, I figured that I would submit a 2-month progress report. As of today, March 21st, it has been two months since I got my shampoo and hair treatment, and I can say that as of yet not a lot has happened, except that my hair has not been clogging the drain as before.    I love the smell of the shampoo, and the way it makes my hair feel that it has some substance, and the treatment seems to work almost as a peel, leaving a little irritation and causing some flaking, overall not that bad though. I am happy that I have started to use the product, and I look forward to the tingly feeling that I get after leaving it on the scalp for a few minutes every morning. I hope that this will produce an optimum growing environment for receded hair that has gone back from the front. Keeping my hair at this point is simply the point. Any growth is a bonus.   I`ll write back in a couple of months.

4th month
I wish I could say yes, it has made my existing hair stronger. But no it doesn`t seem to have stopped it, but maybe reduced. I need to take pictures and compare them to the ones I took before I started the trial to know for sure whether the product has been effective. Have you noticed or thickening of already existing hair, thickening of miniaturized hair, increased fullness, or hair growth? It seems to have thickened and made the hair that I have healthier and fuller Please describe your results so far. For awhile I was convinced that the product was helping my hair regrowth, but I seemed to be losing more hair in the horseshoe areas of my head, and while there is slight recession, it is very disconcerting because my hair is so fine and thin as it is. I hope that the product will start to help in the future, but as of yet I can notice no positive results except healthier and fuller hair, which is a good start.



Age - Sex

25- Male

Type of hair loss

Norwood 2.5

Used as Directed?


Results: +

Decreased Hair Loss: Yes

Increased Thickness: No

Stoppage of hair loss with no regrowth or thickening yet.



Age - Sex

31 - Male

Type of hair loss

Receding hairline/frontal area thinning

Used as Directed?


Results: 0

Decreased Hair Loss: No

Increased Thickness: No

4-6 months.

 I have not noticed any change in the results of my hair loss, except that I am still losing my hair.



Age - Sex

48 - Male

Type of hair loss

Thinning Crown

Used as Directed?


Results: +

Decreased Hair Loss: Yes

Increased Thickness: Yes

4 months.

It has stopped the loss, definitely. I would say a slight thickening, and I have certainly noticed the stoppage of hair loss. Somewhat encouraging. I have not noticed much regrowth, however I am pleased that my hair loss seems to have suspended.

8 months.

I seem to have quit losing my hair, however I have not noticed significant new growth.


Dominick (Roxy97)

Age - Sex

33- Male

Type of hair loss

Frontal hair loss and overall thinning on top

Used as Directed?


Results: +

Decreased Hair Loss: Yes

Increased Thickness: Yes

5 months

Hair Loss has Reduced I have seen slight thickening of already existing hair. My hair has thickened slightly but still loosing frontal hairline. Overall Revivogen seems to have slowed down the balding process but not aid in regrowth.

10 months
Seems to have slowed down my hair loss.  My hair is pretty much the same as when I started using Revivogen, I don`t seem to be losing more hair and I don`t seem to be receding further back.



Age - Sex

38- Male

Type of hair loss

Bald spot in the back

Used as Directed?

Not quite as often as instructed

Results: 0

Decreased Hair Loss: No

Increased Thickness: No

2 months

Have not noticed a change



Age - Sex

24 - Male

Type of hair loss

Receding Temples, Thinning Crown

Used as Directed?


Results: 0

Decreased Hair Loss: No

Increased Thickness: No

5.5 Months

My hair is still thinning, mostly in the front and at the temples. I am looking forward to some progress as the 6-month mark approaches. But nothing very substantial so far.

8 Months

I think it has slowed it. There were periods where it seemed to stop. But later began again. I noticed some increased fullness of my existing hair right away, and also a few new hairs at my temples. Hair loss on my crown seems to be slower. It`s hard to tell at my temples and the front of my hair, what the effect has been - other than a few new sprouts. I am still receding developing the horseshoe shaped pattern in the front. I am hopeful that this can be stopped.



Age - Sex

22 - Male

Type of hair loss

Norwood 2

Used as Directed?


Results: +

Decreased Hair Loss: Yes

Increased Thickness: Yes

3 months. 

I have noticed slightly thickening of existing hair, and it is too soon to see if hair is regrowing. I am impressed so far Hair loss seems to have diminished. .



Age - Sex

41 - Male

Type of hair loss

Norwood 2

Used as Directed?


Results: 0

Decreased Hair Loss: No

Increased Thickness: No

7 Months

I have frontal recession only. Daily application seems to have no effect on the very slow but continual receding hairline. Will continue using product for at least the next few months. Have not had any prior success with Rogaine or Propecia either.



Age - Sex

58 - Male

Type of hair loss


Used as Directed?


Results: +

Decreased Hair Loss: Yes

Increased Thickness: Yes

6 Months

Reduced and stopped my hair loss.  Has improved hair thickness.  Have not seen much regrowth.  Had some pretty bad scalp flaking 



Age - Sex

23 - Male

Type of hair loss

Norwood 2

Used as Directed?


Results: +

Decreased Hair Loss: Yes

Increased Thickness: Yes

7 Months

So far I`ve noticed some improvement in my hair. Nothing phenomenal but my hair seems thicker and it appears that the hair on my temples has started to become thicker. Overall I`m pleased with the results, I think Revivogen really does help slow the balding process.



Age - Sex

22 - Male

Type of hair loss

Slight Male Pattern Baldness

Used as Directed?


Results: +

Decreased Hair Loss: Yes

Increased Thickness: Yes

3 Months

I have noticed slightly thickening of existing hair, and it is too soon to see if hair is regrowing. I am impressed so far! Hair loss seems to have diminished. 

6 Months

I have slowed the hair loss, and my existing hair is thickening. I do not think I have seen hair growth yet.  Hopefully this will change as the experiment continues.  My results are increased thickness of existing hair and a slowing of hair loss. 



Age - Sex

51 - Female

Type of hair loss

60 - 70% at the temple areas

Used as Directed?


Results: +

Decreased Hair Loss: Yes

Increased Thickness: Yes

6 months

I am really pleased with the results, Almost immediately upon using the shampoo, my hair seemed fuller and had more body and I noticed that fewer hairs were left in the sink after blow-drying my hair.  The hair at my temples, always thinner and more receded than the rest of my hairline, had dramatically receded in the 6 - 9 months prior to my use of Revivogen.  I had considered a hair transplant (even had an evaluation/consultation), but my husband searched the internet and discovered your trial.  I have had new growth and regrowth in my temple areas and would evaluate the results as 90 - 100% regrowth of my original hair loss.

9 months

Hair loss has reduced or stopped; new growth in the receding area; hair seems thicker.



Age - Sex

26- Male

Type of hair loss

Norwood 2.5

Used as Directed?


Results: ?

Decreased Hair Loss: ?

Increased Thickness: ?

10 months

After 3 or 4 months of continuous treatment, I noticed remarkable regrowth at the hairline, but within 2 months, most of that growth had been shed. However, my hairline is still in better than shape than it was before I started the trial.  So, I`m waiting to see if this is just a temporary shed and if further treatment will prove beneficial.  



Age - Sex

22 - Male

Type of hair loss


Used as Directed?


Results: 0

Decreased Hair Loss: No

Increased Thickness: No

5 Months

I have been using Revivogen as directed, but it hasn`t seemed to reduce or stop my hair loss. I haven`t noticed any thickening of existing hair either. However, my hair doesn`t seem any worse than when I began the treatment. 



Age - Sex

22 - Male

Type of hair loss

Norwood 1

Used as Directed?


Results: +

Decreased Hair Loss: Yes

Increased Thickness: Yes


Revivogen has greatly reduced my hair loss and has thickened the hair that was already there.  The shampoo has also helped a great deal.  It gives the hair a cleaner fill.  I would recommend using Revivogen to anyone.

8 month

My results have been great, my frontal hairline has been much improved, I would recommend this to anybody and the sooner they start the better it will be.



Age - Sex

28 - Male

Type of hair loss

Thinning in apex

Used as Directed?


Results: +

Decreased Hair Loss: Yes

Increased Thickness: Yes

6 months
I think it has slowed some but nothing major I have been pleased so far, I think with continued use it will continue to get better

9 months
I believe it has slowed it down I noticed a more thicker vortex, hair seems to grow quicker overall I am pleased, it seems to have slowed hair loss, and the hair on my vortex seems to be thicker and fuller



Age - Sex

23- Male

Type of hair loss

Norwood 3

Used as Directed?


Results: +

Decreased Hair Loss: Yes

Increased Thickness: Yes

5 months

Hair loss has Stopped. Since I`ve been using Revivogen I`ve seen many new hairs sprouting around my hairline. I have also seen the front center of my head produce much more dense hair, than I had before using you`re product. I`m Looking forward to seeing my progress



Age - Sex

31- Male

Type of hair loss

Loosing most of my frontal hairline only

Used as Directed?


Results: +

Decreased Hair Loss: Yes

Increased Thickness: Yes

4-5 months.

I definitely think it has stopped my hair loss, maybe even slightly reduced it. Hair is definitely thicker, and I have noticed the increased fullness. I believe that this product is definitely heading me in the right direction. I have grown my hair out on top longer since I have been using this product, and I feel like I have more hair than before I started using Revivogen.



Age - Sex

21- Male

Type of hair loss

I`m about a Norwood 1 receding at the temples for about three years now.

Used as Directed?


Results: +

Decreased Hair Loss: Yes

Increased Thickness: Yes

6 months.  

It has slowed it down, and I see slow growth. My existing hair has somewhat thickened, and also fullness.  As for growth, it`s very slow. But I am confident that I have seen hairs that weren`t there before. I am pleased with the product.  My hair is denser, thicker, with a slow progressive growth.  

Over 7 months.

It has reduced my hair loss, I am seeing new hairs at my temples, also my hair is denser and thickerÜI am pleased with Revivogen. It has significantly slowed down my hair loss.


Mary Jane

Age - Sex

54 year old female

Type of hair loss

Thinning hair on the top of my head

Used as Directed?


Results: +

Decreased Hair Loss: Yes

Increased Thickness: Yes

5 months

I have experienced fantastic results.  I first used the product as directed (1 ml.) at night every night.  When the second supply was sent they suggested that 2 ml. could be applied every night.  So I then increased the dosage to 2ml.  I am really pleased with the results since the first 3 months of use.  My hair has become thicker and it appears to be growing back.  I have almost grown back all the hair I had previously lost.  I have very little see through spots on the top of my head.  I do not need to use a hairpiece to fill the top.  I`m not sure if it`s the deep cleansing shampoo or the solution that is applied at night that is making the difference. I agreed to do this trial thinking that nothing topical could ever have any results.  I am so over joyed that I feel it is a miracle.  All my friends and family have noticed the difference (although I never told any of them about the trial) and I regularly get compliments on my hair again.  I hope this is not just a dream and I lose it all again.  So far I am more than happy.

8 months

I am very pleased with my results so far.  My hair has grown back and is thicker than it was when I first started to use Revivogen, but it still is not as thick as I would like it. I did experience a little shedding this summer and was very concerned.  I am hoping the hair on the top of my head will thicken a little more.  Overall I am very pleased with my results.



Age - Sex

52 - Female

Type of hair loss

Overall Thinning

Used as Directed?


Results: 0

Decreased Hair Loss: No

Increased Thickness: No

5 Months

It stopped my loss up until March 31 - it was great.  Then I suddenly have had handfuls of hair each day - 50 in the shower since 04-01-01 - about 2.5 months now. It simply has to be extreme stress and perhaps pre-menopausal hormone changes. I don`t take hormone replacement - and wonder if I should. 

I do say that the miniaturized hair has been thickening, yes. However I am having even more thinning - not increased fullness at all. However, the Revivogen shampoo is keeping the hair looking thicker - but you can still easily see my scalp through my dark hair. 

I continue to have hair loss - but I am very sure it is stress-related. I have gone through a lay-off, and the stress of looking for a new job - I am sole support of myself and I own a home in expensive Northern Calif. I am now training in a new position and am feeling very positive and relaxed about it. I anticipate that I may have better hair results now that I am settled. 

I am disappointed to tell you, however, that I have had no noticeable hair regrowth and indeed I would describe that I have noticeable hair loss during this time. I have always had a "widow`s peak" hairline - and the widow`s peak has disappeared in the past 3 months - meaning - all of that hair has fallen out and the hairline is receding. I so wish I could tell you of great results - but I can`t. I`m not having great results now - but I am NOT giving up



Age - Sex

21 - Male

Type of hair loss

Thinning in Front

Used as Directed?


Results: +

Decreased Hair Loss: Yes

Increased Thickness: No

4.5 Months

I do believe that Revivogen has reduced my hair loss but not totally stopped it. I tend to notice less hairs falling out too when I comb. 



Age - Sex

26- Male

Type of hair loss

Thinning in crown area

Used as Directed?


Results: +

Decreased Hair Loss: Yes

Increased Thickness: No

3 months

Seems to have lessened the fall-out, to were I can`t notice it in the shower


Scott F

Age - Sex

34 - Male

Type of hair loss

Moderate, receding hairline, some visible loss on crown.

Used as Directed?


Results: +

Decreased Hair Loss: Yes

Increased Thickness: Yes

9-10 months.

It has reduced some hair loss - but not stopped it.
 I have experienced some slight thickening of hair. Growth has been hard to detect. The product has had some affect on my condition. Likely it has somewhat slowed the hair loss process. I`ve experienced some changes with regard to my condition. But have not seen significant changes in the overall condition.


Scott J

Age - Sex

26 - Male

Type of hair loss

Norwood II 1/2

Used as Directed?


Results: +

Decreased Hair Loss: Yes

Increased Thickness: Yes

4.5 Months

Reduced Fallout, some thickening of miniaturized hair and growth along the hair line.  Regrowth is the only thing that has ever given me ANY growth along the hairline!  I am very satisfied with the results and happy to be a part of this survey.

7 months

Excellent. Hair loss reduced - maybe stopped, and thickened existing hair. I have thicker hair at the frontal hairline and miniaturized hair growing at front hairline as well. I would strongly recommend this product to anyone and find it to be the best on the market.  It is all I have used for the past several months after trying several products!


Scott JN

Age - Sex

33- Male

Type of hair loss

Frontal Hair Loss

Used as Directed?


Results: +

Decreased Hair Loss: Yes

Increased Thickness: No

1 year

Hair loss appears to have stopped or slowed.  No new hairs yet.  I feel that Revivogen has nearly halted my male pattern frontal loss.



Age - Sex

37 - Male

Type of hair loss

Typical Male Pattern Baldness

Used as Directed?


Results: +

Decreased Hair Loss: Yes

Increased Thickness: Yes

3.8 Months

It has stopped my balding and actually is regrowing my hair, I`m extremely happy. I look forwarded to each new day.  



Age - Sex

54 Male

Type of hair loss

Crown, temple

Used as Directed?


Results: 0

Decreased Hair Loss: No

Increased Thickness: No

5 mos.

No change at all. 

8 mos.

Noticeable loss of hair in same areas.



Age - Sex

51 - Female

Type of hair loss

60-70% loss at the Temples

Used as Directed?


Results: +

Decreased Hair Loss: Yes

Increased Thickness: Yes

6 Months

I am really pleased with the results, Almost immediately upon using the shampoo, my hair seemed fuller and had more body and I noticed that fewer hairs were left in the sink after blow-drying my hair. The hair at my temples, always thinner and more receded than the rest of my hairline, had dramatically receded in the 6 - 9 months prior to my use of Revivogen. I had considered a hair transplant (even had an evaluation/consultation), but my husband searched the internet and discovered your trial. I have had new growth and regrowth in my temple areas and would evaluate the results as 90 - 100% regrowth of my original hair loss.

9 months
Revivogen reduced or stopped your hair loss. New growth in the receding area; hair seems thicker.



Age - Sex

37 - Male

Type of hair loss

Norwood 2A

Used as Directed?


Results: +

Decreased Hair Loss: Yes

Increased Thickness: Yes

5 Months

Reduced hair loss, increased fullness, or hair growth?

I do feel like all of my hair is thicker (fuller), and have noticed small hairs on crown and small thin hairs in temple region 

I`ve generally noticed thicker hair all over and do see new hairs in the areas I`ve been treating - small and thin (and no color - but you have to start somewhere.

10 Months

My hair loss count is way down - but can`t say its stop completely. Overall thickness of hair has been exceptional  - and fullness seems to have been increased. The temple region has little new growth - but little is better than nothing. I think my progress for 10 months is more than I had expected and using a safe natural product. I have been very happy with the product; I haven`t encountered any side effects - burning, itching, and redness. I would welcome a leave in conditioner to the regimen.



Age - Sex

39 - Male

Type of hair loss


Used as Directed?

No Added Rogaine

Results: +

Decreased Hair Loss: Yes

Increased Thickness: Yes

5 Months

Yes it has stopped my hair loss and I`ve seen some regrowth, but I started using Rogaine 3 months ago as well, so I`m not sure if the results are due to the Rogaine

7 months

Has stopped loss and hair seems thicker, but also using Minoxidil and that seemed to increase new hair growth and it makes it a little confusing in regards to using it and Revivogen because you don`t know which is better



Age - Sex

36, Female

Type of hair loss

Very thin hair with balding spots.

Used as Directed?


Results: +

Decreased Hair Loss: Yes

Increased Thickness: Yes

8 months

Results so far is that hair loss is reduced and my hair appears to be fuller and have a thicker appearance.  I have not experienced any new hair growth though.